Purpose: Get your cameras or cell phone ready, we are going to have some fun!
Who can participate: Any TBA member can submit photos with a limit of 5 photos per member. Any Tonkinese pet owner who has purchased their Tonk from a TBA member can also submit photos but please identify the TBA member/breeder.
Types of Photos: The major requirement is that the photo contain a Tonkinese. It may also contain other cats, animals, children, toys etc. Any type of photo is acceptable. They can range from humorous, to candid showing personality, to beauty shots showing a lovely Tonkinese. You are only limited by your imagination and the cooperation of the cats.
Restrictions: The photo cannot contain a recognizable adult TBA member(s) or other recognizable adult(s) such as judges or celebrities. We want this contest to be anonymous as we select the winners. Each member may submit a total of 5 photos. No professional copyrighted photos. Some photos may be too small or fuzzy to use. If that's the case I will contact you about it.
Winners: Photos will appear in the public area of the web pages so anyone can see them. Selection will be done by TBA members voting via e-mail. If you are a pet buyer but not a TBA member, ask your breeder about complimentary free membership which would allow you to vote. The winner will appear on the April Aqua Eye cover with other categories appearing inside the Aqua Eye.
Photos will be added to the Tonkinese archives. Several photos have been used on CFA’s website to depict pet ownership or the Tonkinese personality. Some may be used in CFA’s or TBA’s pamphlets and other handouts. Many photos from the Photo Contest are used in the Tonkinese Breed Booth seen at various CFA cat shows throughout North America. Photos are never sold but may be used for information to promote our breed and general pet ownership. By submitting photos you have agreed to allow your photos to be used in this manner.
How to submit: Photos can be submitted via US mail or sent by email to the Managing Editor: Linda Martino, martino@pobox.com or 339 Dorsey Way, Vista, CA 92083. Photos sent via US mail will be returned if you include a self-addressed stamped envelope.
If you like, you may include a one line caption.
Please include the following information: Your name, name of cat, age, color and pattern (if known) and the name of the breeder or cattery.
You will get an email acknowledgement of receipt of the photos. If you don't get an acknowledgement contact Linda Martino, martino@pobox.com.
For the photos selected as winners we would like higher resolution images if they exist. This is not a requirement for winning - just something preferred. The winners may optionally include a background story about the photo for the AE but this will not appear on the web page during the voting process.
How to vote: Once voting begins, you will be prompted to send an e-mail with your selections to nmikita@cox.net. Only TBA members may vote.
Voting Categories: There are no categories when submitting photos. When we vote, members will be able to vote for up to 5 photos in several categories. The same photo can be voted for in more than one category but each photo will win in only one.
The categories are:
- Cover of the Aqua Eye
- Best Kitten
- Best Adult
- Best Personality
- Best Showing Sociability (with people, other animals such as dogs, or other cats)
- Best Showing Humor
- Best Showing Creativity (meaning digitally enhanced or original art work)
If you have any problems, questions or concerns, please email me at martino@pobox.com