History of TBA in CFA & Print Version

Reprints taken from Aqua Eyes


Breed Council Archives

Breed Coucil Presentations

History of the Tonkinese Breed Council

The first Tonkinese Breed Council was formed in 1978 when CFA approved Tonkinese registration. The Secretary was Joan Bernstein with members Madelyn Dakin, Judith Penna, Mary Swanson, Lynn Whitfield, Barbara Boren, Debbie Pensa, Norma Roy, Hope Tremblay in October of 1979. Late in 1980, the Breed Council members were not allowed to renew due to a CFA 1979 rule requiring a breed be in provisional class to have a BC. Tonkinese were not yet in Provisional class. In 1982 after the Tonkinese were moved to Provisional class, the BC was started again with the Norma Roy as the Secretary.

1982-1988:  Norma Roy
1989-1992:  Cathy Rokaw
1993-1998:  Sharon Roy
1999-2000:  Bonnie Smith
2001-2004:  Scott Cowling
2005-2012:  Linda Martino
2013-2017 Carmen Martino
2017- Claire Dubit

Tonkinese Historical Information

Time Line of Tonkinese events

The following are key events in the history of Tonkinese. Since TBA is a CFA club, the time line focuses on CFA and TBA events, but other events are included to make it more complete. All dates after 1975 are CFA except for 2 TICA dates.

Early dates are obtained from articles written by a variety of people and not based on original records. The CFA dates are based on CFA Board Minutes.

Note: In showing some board actions I have listed only the first request and if denied, I then put when it eventually passed. There may be more years when it was denied in-between.


1800's  In the Thailand area, all three coat patterns exist that are today known as Siamese, Tonkinese, and Burmese and is the source for all 3 breeds
1930 Wong Mau imported to the United States. She is the foundation cat for the Burmese and the first known cat in the US with a mink pattern.
1945 CFA prohibits Siamese to Burmese crosses from being shown in Championship
1950's  Miscellaneous breeding of Siamese and Burmese cats
1965 Margaret Conroy in Canada starts breeding Tonkinese & Jane Barletta in the US as well as many other breeders
1966 Tonkinese can't be registered in CFA but are shown in various classes over the next few years: Household Pets, For Exhibit Only, and Experimental Classes
1967  Canadian Cat Association (CCA) recognizes Tonkinese
1971 Canadian Cat Association (CCA) accepts Tonkinese in Championship Class
Tonkinese Breed Club (TBC) is formed to promote Tonkinese 
1972 Independent Cat Federation (ICF) accepts Tonkinese
1974 Cat Fanciers Federation (CFF) accepts Tonkinese in Experimental class
1976 May 1 Cat Fanciers Federation (CFF) accepts Tonkinese in Championship class
1977 TBC Requests registration in CFA - denied
1978 TBC Requests registration in CFA - denied then discussion reopened and approved
Breed Council started
1979  CFA Tonkinese CFA registration complete and Tonkinese start being shown in Miscellaneous class in 4 colors: Natural, Champagne, Blue, and Honey
Tonkinese Breed Association (TBA) forms to promote Tonkinese in CFA & publishes the first Aqua Eye in July
CFA accepts both TBC and TBA as Tonkinese breed clubs
TICA accepts Tonkinese first year it is created
1st TBA Logo created
1980  TBC resigns from CFA and TBA becomes the sole representative club
Intention to request move to Provisional barred by 5 year rule
Platinum color added
Malayans (Dilute Burmese) accepted as outcrosses
Classified as hybrids
Breed council disbanded due to 1979 rule requiring a breed be in provisional class first
1981  Request Provisional status - 5 year rule waived and it is approved
1982 Question regarding polling of Siamese and Burmese breeders on their breed council ballots about Tonkinese
Tonks shown in Provisional class and Breed Council formed again
1983  Request championship status - denied
1984 Request Championship status - accepted
Outcrossing to Siamese and Burmese stopped
1986 Request separate color classes in competition - denied
1989  TICA accepts all 3 coat patterns in championship class
1991 Honey moved to AOV class
1993 Request separate color classes in competition - accepted
Color definitions added for 12 color, coat patterns
1995 Judges workshop at the annual in San Diego
1998 Request acceptance of all 3 coat patterns for championship - ruled out of order
2000 Request change from hybrid to established breed status - failed
2001 Request change from hybrid to established breed status - accepted
2002 Request acceptance of all 3 coat patterns for championship - accepted

Breed Clubs

There have been 2 main national Tonkinese clubs in the US. The first was TBC. Although affiliated with CCF, it worked with members of many registries: CFF, CFA, TICA, and CCA. It was the breed club that worked to gain registration in CFA. In 1979 TBA was formed which focused on CFA alone. TBC eventually dropped out of CFA as TBA took dominance, but continued with the other organizations and did publish information about CFA as well. Many people were members of both.

TBA Shows
(may be incomplete)

1981 August 30 Smithtown, NY
1982 August 28/29 Long Island, NY Cats Ahoy
1983 August 13 Long Island, NY
1984 April 28-29 Melville, NY Honkey Tonks
1985 May 11 Dracut, MA
1990 Feb 24-25 Salem, NH
1992 May 30-31 Pasadena, CA Reflections Jointly with the Havana Brown Fanciers
1993 July 31, Aug 1 Boxborough, MA
1994 May 21-22 Chicago, IL 'Celebrate' 10 Years in Championship
1995 March 11-12  Mesquite, TX Jointly with the Lone Star Cat Club
1998 August 1-2 St. Charles, MO
1999 ? Ontario, CA
2000 Jan  Baltimore, MD
2001 Sept 20-21 Columbus, Ohio
2002 June 29-30 Allentown, PA
2003 March 29-30 Houston, TX
2004 Apr 17-18 Phoenix, AZ
2005 None
2006 Aor 22-23 Indianapolis, IN
2007 Aug 11-12 Portland, OR
2008 Sep 29-21 Baltimore, MD Jointly with Freestate
2009 Aug 16-17 Allen Park, MI


Aqua Eye Archives

Aqua Eye (AE), Contact Lens (CL), President Messages (PM), Declaration of candidates (DC), Breed Council Minutes (BCM)

I don't know how many CL, PM, and BCM's are missing since some may never have been created.

YR What we have Topics. Many include intros to members
79 AE July, Aug, Sept, Ocr , Nov-Dec, CL Breed Council info & members, Tonkinese genetics, officers, membership, Tonks shown in Empire cat show
80 AE Feb, Mar, May-June, July-Aug, Oct, Nov-Dec, CL, DC logo, experiences at shows, tshirts, west coast TBA meeting minutes, honey discussion, Zookeeper looks at Africa by Mary Swanson (Mary contributes many articles over the next few years), TBA sponsors first ring
81 AE Jan-Apr, May Aug, Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec, PM Mar, Declarations, Tonks shown summary No breed council, Las Vegas meeting report, 1st TBA show, move to Provisional status, list of 70 judges who handled Tonks in misc class & list of cats, litter of 11 (all survive), tube feeding , 1st TBA show
82 AE Dec 81-Jan 82, Feb-Mar, Jun-Jul. Aug-Oct, Nov-Dec, CL Mar, PM, Declarations 2nd TBA show
83 AE Feb-Apr, May-June, Sep-Oct, PM Mar, May 3rd TBA show
84 CL March, Apr, May, June, July, Aug-Sep, Declarations, PM Results of first show with Tonks in competition May 94, Identification of Tonk colors,
85 AE, Jan, July, Oct, CL June, PM Jan, Feb, March, Apr [Apr missing] 1st Tonk grand
86 AE May, 1Q 86-7, 2Q 86-7, CL Mar, July BCM Jun [Jan missing] barring in Tonkinese, reopening stud book, letters from Margaret Conroy
87 AE 3Q 86-7, 4Q 86-7, 1Q 87-8, 2Q 87-8 Tonkinese muzzle
88 AE 3Q 87-8, 2Q 88-9, CL Mar, May, Jul [4Q 87-8, 1Q 88-9 missing]  
89 AE 3Q 88-9, CL Jun [4Q 88-9, 1Q, 2Q 89-90 missing]  
90 AE Winter 89-90, 4Q 89-90, 1Q 90-1, 2/3Q 90-1, CL Apr May 1 & 2, BCM Jun  
91 AE 1Q 91-2, 2Q 91-2, CL May [4Q 90-1 missing]  
92 AE 3Q 91-2, 1Q 92-3, 2Q 92-3, CL Jun, July, PM Mar, May/June  [4Q 91-2 missing] Color: Does it make a difference?, Nellie's Memory
93 AE 3Q 92-3, 4Q 92-3, 1Q 93-4, 2Q 93-4, CL Jan, Apr, June Norma Roy remembers
94 AE Jan, Apr Fall [summer missing] Gucci, Tonk Togs, Platinums are different, Saga of Brut, Tonk Tots, Shine, Wiser, Pzazz, Velvet Creme
95 AE Feb, May, Fall [summer missing] Shujen Watch Me Mom
96 AE Jan, May, Aug [fall missing]  
97 AE Jan, Apr,  Jul, Nov AOV registration #'s (and some creative colors),Alpine Lace,
98 AE Jan, Apr, Jul,  Oct CL Apr 98 B'ssa, B4 Just Us of Seaflower, Tiqui's Chayia, Windsong, Shanfoo, Tonk genetics, Chateaubrut/ Sonham, Smidgen, Phoebe
99 AE Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct  
00 AE Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct Toytown story , Tasha, where does the money go
01 AE Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct Pattern chart, Tonks around the world, the acceptance of the new patterns, Tonk myths
02 AE Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct, CL Sep Chianti
03 AE Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct CL Apr TBA logo stuff , Burm, Siamese, Tonk standard comparisons
04 AE Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct Tonkines History & genetics Cristy Bird
05 AE Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct  
06 AE Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct  
07 AE Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct  
08 AE Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct  
09 AE Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct  
10 AE Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct  
11 AE Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct  
12 AE Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct  
13 AE Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct  
14 AE Apr, Jul, Oct No Jan issue  
15 AE Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct  
16 AE Jan, Apr, Jul CL Apr, Jul  


CFA Tonkinese Statistics

Breed Litters/Registration

Litter registrations are dated by birth of the litter and many are not submitted until after the data is distributed after the first of the year. Therefore the numbers are revised upwards in subsequent years both in the following year and then again 10 years latter. So one year gets added and 2 other years get revised upwards wach year.

Individual registrations are handled by the year they were submitted - not birth year of the individuall cat and do not get revised over time.

Year # of Litters Births in Litter Reg Average Rank by Breed for Litter Registrations Tonkinese Individual Registration Rank by Breed for Individual Registration
2013 147 581 3.592 17 336 17
2012 226 589 3.681 17 337 16
2011 248 930 3.75 16 409 16
2010 233 889 3.815 16 476 13
2009 289 1,080 3.737 10 506 13
2008 303 1,163 3.838 12 508 14
2007 340 1,351 3.973 7 558 11
2006 393 1,563 4.055 7 545 15
2005 429 1,704 3.972 7 603 15
2004 326 1,315 4.033 9 717 10
2003 509 1,954 3.838 9 864 9
2002 540 2,110 3.907 8 874 9
2001 529 2,199 4.156 8 830 10
2000 537 2,136 3.977 7 803 12
1999 500 1,967 3.934 8 867 11
1998 543 2,188 4.029 8 871 10
1997 532 2160 4.047 8 868 11
1996 536 2,222 4.145 9 802 13
1995 453 1,885 4.161 11 780 12
1994 452 1,840 4.070 11 684 13
1993 489 1,938 3.963 11 797 12
1992 440 1,804 4.100 12 739 12
1991 450 1,818 4.040 13 670 13
1990 364 1,487 4.085 14 618 14
1989 319 1,311 4.109 15 548 15
1988 285 1,186 4.161 16 399 18
1987 224 989 4.415 16 359 17
1986 205 874 4.263 16 290 17
1985 149 677 4.543 16 248 17
1984 146 637 4.363 16
1983 164 709 4.323 16

Individual Registration by Color/Coat Pattern

Year Blue Mink Champagne Mink Natural Mink Platinum Mink Blue Solid Champagne Solid Natural Solid Platinum Solid Blue Point Champagne Point Natural Point Platinum Point AOV Honey Mink
Totals 1496 4007 2941 3969 312 741 312 829 318 1163 480 1214 1392 95
2013 21 52 32 68 7 14 7 19 17 29 25 41 3 1
2012 31 64 40 70 12 11 13 16 13 35 29 63 4 0
2011 30 60 38 68 16 17 9 19 14 58 25 52 2 1
2010 34 82 46 90 12 17 10 20 18 67 25 54 0 1
2009 33 101 60 121 10 31 17 29 18 49 22 62 1 0
2008 24 69 44 113 12 25 12 44 21 47 25 70 0 2
2007 39 122 51 148 20 28 18 33 17 54 14 58 5 1
2006 32 105 46 159 13 20 20 26 21 32 16 64 2 0
2005 48 124 55 140 17 33 12 54 18 48 24 64 0 3
2004 47 121 61 190 17 43 16 50 23 50 23 71 2 1
2003 54 145 90 216 32 35 18 70 19 73 26 81 4 1
2002 40 188 69 213 12 57 20 59 16 79 26 91 2 2
2001 59 217 68 197 16 55 16 57 13 54 21 56 1
2000 41 201 69 219 20 37 17 43 11 58 20 63 4
1999 53 223 74 238 13 54 16 51 9 59 18 54 4
1998 46 216 88 208 13 66 22 49 16 60 24 59 2
1997 35 234 84 191 16 51 15 55 10 69 34 52 19
1996 53 193 87 199 9 50 14 45 10 61 27 53 0
1995 54 217 82 178 8 41 16 27 12 73 20 42 8
1994 65 154 83 158 17 34 15 39 12 44 16 28 17
1993 71 177 117 157 21 23 10 25 10 34 22 46 79
1992 69 179 109 150 227
1991 83 154 120 121 172
1990 81 126 149 80 178
1989 60 118 150 67 153
1988 45 71 118 31 ?
1987 34 44 118 35 107
1986 37 47 98 28 75
1985 43 35 88 22 49


Number of Regional and National Winners Per Year

Year Championship Kittens Premiership Total RWs National Winners
1985-86 2     2  
1986-87 1     1  
1987-88 2   1 3  
1988-89 2 1 2 5  
1989-90 6   1 7  
1990-91 4 3 3 10 1
1991-92 3 2 3 8  
1992-93 3   4 7  
1993-94 4   3 7  
1994-95 4   2 6  
1995-96 5   5 10  
1996-97 6 2 3 11 1
1997-98 5 3 7 15  
1998-99 5 1 5 11  
1999-2000 10 3 4 17  
2000-2001 7 3 7 17  
2001-2002 8 3 5 16 1
2002-2003 7 2 6 15 1
2003-2004 8 1 7 16 3
2004-2005 7 3 7 13 1
2005-2006 9 4 10 23 2
2006-2007 9 4 6 18  
2007-2008 6 3 6 15  
2008-2009 7 4 12 23 1
2009-2010 5 5 7 17 2
2010-2011 5 6 8 19 2
2011-2012 7 4 5 16  
2012-2013 8 5 3 16 2
2013-2014 6 1 3 10 2
2014-2015 5 3 4 12  
2015-2016 7 11 5 23 2